
Thursday, 24 January 2008


We started today our Iditarod study by reading "Iditarod Dream" by Ted Wood. It is the story of Dusty and his sled dogs competing in the Junior Iditarod Race. The junior race is much shorter than the regular one, but still a very tough one. It is for fourteen to seventeen years old mushers. It's a two day race starting and ending in Wasilla, Alaska, about 158 miles.
This year, the start date is Saturday, February 23 (Dragon's birthday!).
Here is a link for the official site of the Jr Iditarod Sled Dog Race . The kids and I will soon be choosing our junior musher and following him or her during the race through this race update site.
The books we read will be added to the blog, on the left side.
The Iditarod Race starts March 1. I will post about it later on.

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