
Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Lance Mackey Wins the Iditarod!

Dragon's musher Lance Mackey won the Iditarod Trail Dog Sled Race for the second time. He arrived in Nome, Alaska early today at 2:46am. He took a total of 9 days, 11hrs, 46 mn and 48 seconds to complete the 1150 mile race. You can see pictures from the finish line at the official Iditarod site, here. I also just read that Lance is not planning on resting yet, he is running the 400-miles All Alaska Sweepstakes in a week and a half! We will all follow that race, especially Dragon. It starts March 26, 2008. Here is the website.

We are still tracking our 3 other mushers, Martin Buser (Dad's choice), Zoya DeNure (Fairy's) and Rachael Scdoris (mine). All 3 are still in the race.

* Update: Martin Buser did arrive in Nome on March 12 at 10:11 am, in 5th place.
Fairy's musher is still racing as of March 14, Zoya DeNure is currently in 55th place at the White Mountain checkpoint, and Rachael Scdoris is in 62nd place at the Koyuk checkpoint.

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