
Saturday, 12 July 2008

Birthday Girl!

Our first baby is 11 today! WOW!

I looked through her baby scrapbook and thought I would share a couple of pictures with you...
Being that she is the first, there is a ton of pictures of her! But I thought I would keep at only 3 for this time, one of her birth, a cute one, and a funny one. Below is one from today...and yes, we now have a kitten in our house (without a name so far, it's a girl, any suggestions?).


  1. Happy Birthday Adrienne!!

  2. Hey! My oldest daughter's bday is July 12th too! Shes just a "few" years older than yours though :-P I hope she had a great day!
    No suggestions on the kitten name...but she is really cute.


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