
Saturday, 7 March 2009

Following the Iditarod Race

Celeste and Adrienne
February 2008 Barrie Winter Festival

The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, usually just called the "Iditarod", is an annual sled dog race in Alaska, where mushers and teams of typically 16 dogs cover 1,161 miles (1,868 km) in eight to fifteen days from Willow to Nome. (explanation from Wikipedia)

We have picked our mushers, printed our race statistics sheets, and have our map of the Iditarod Trail handy. We are ready!
Most of the Iditarod printable worksheets can be found at the teacher's corner. We had used much more last year, but will be keeping it very simple this time around, with the kids being in school during the day.
Here are our chosen mushers for this year's race:

Adrienne chose Jen Seavey #61. She is a rookie and only 22 years old!
Andre is playing it safe with keeping his choice from last year, Lance Mackey #61, winner of last year's race and 2007's.
I am also choosing to keep the same musher, Rachael Scdoris # 58.

Here are a few more links:

Lance Mackey's Comeback Kennel
Rachael Scdoris website
Our posts on the Iditarod, last year's mostly for now!
Our homeschool friends did wonderful projects during the Iditarod, read her posts here.

Over the next ten days or so, we will keep track of each of our mushers' progress on the trail, and I will add more information as we go along.

Once upon a time, we had our own siberian husky, Naomi

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