
Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Calendar quilt update

I just realized that I haven't posted an update on my calendar quilt challenge since March!! It is time for some pictures! I have been keeping up with the challenge, even completing June in one day..I wasn't sure what colours to do for June, but once I decided to do a rainbow, then I wanted to see it all finished!

The first photo shows the first 5 months of the year. January is the blue one, February pink and red, March green, April flower fabrics in greens and yellows, and finally May in pink and purple (Celeste's choice).

calendar quilt update

This last one is June's rainbow block and it's my favourite so far!

june = rainbow


  1. Very nice, love the colours!!

  2. I love all the colors in the rainbow one. This is a really cool project :)

  3. Hi, it's nice to meet you! I love your calendar quilt very pretty colors.


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