
Saturday, 13 March 2010

World Maths Day Broke Their Record!

We are so happy to have been part of this event. World Maths Day was a great experience for Andre and Adrienne. They loved seeing which country their competitors were from. They even logged in at different times to see what other countries they could go against. It was a great educational math activity, that also had us talking about geography and time zones.

Here is the current message from the official World Maths Day site:

"World Maths Day is all over! Congratulations on a new World Record!

1,133,246 students and 56,082 schools from 235 countries have united to set a new world record by correctly answering 479,732,613 questions.

2011 will be even bigger with World Maths Day becoming part of the The World Education Games. Everyone is invited to unite the world in learning!"

Next year, there will be a Maths Day on March 2nd, a Science Day on March 9th, and a Spelling Day on March 16th! Mark your calendars!

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