
Monday, 24 May 2010

Book Sharing Monday :: Outbreak: Plagues That Changed History

We are learning about the Black Death in History and we found this book helpful in learning more about it.
Outbreak: Plagues That Changed History written by Bryn Barnard isn't just about the Black Death though, and I thought it might be of interest to others studying history, science, or even medicine, which is why I chose it for today's Book Sharing Monday.
The book is for older children or adults, and takes a closer look at microbes and how they change the history of our world. After an introduction on microbes, the author writes about the Black Death, smallpox, Yellow Fever, the Blue Fever (cholera), tuberculosis, influenza, and aids.

"Europeans who experienced the Black Death had no idea what caused the disease, but they had some inventive guesses. Some people blamed miasmas, poisonous gases they believed were released from the ground by, among other things, earthquakes. To ward off miasmas, they would barricade themselves in their houses (Pope Clement VI did this) or flee to the countryside."

If you are participating in Book Sharing Monday, don't forget to share your link below! Thank you.


  1. Yay, finally got around to sharing a book again, hope to more in the future again now as it's lovely to do this.

    Ooh, I remember history lessons and lots of Black Death study, the book looks interesting.

  2. Ooh! This one looks very intriguing ... :)

  3. Sounds like a perfectly depressing book!

  4. What a great book to roll into life science or history, Alex! Thanks for sharing it. I'm adding it to a list on Goodreads right now.

  5. Thanks so much for organsing this, we love taking part xx

  6. now that looks like an interesting book!

  7. Looks interesting, may have to give this one a try.

  8. We enjoy participating in Book Sharing Monday.


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