
Sunday, 13 February 2011

Great Backyard Bird Count ~ February 18 to 21

The Great Backyard Bird Count starts next Friday! We participated last year (you can see our post here), counting birds at our neighbour's feeder from our bedroom window. We spent 15 minutes a day for three days counting how many birds and recording which types of birds we saw. We then submitted our findings to the GBBC site.

Here is the description of the activity from their site:

"The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent. Anyone can participate, from beginning bird watchers to experts. It takes as little as 15 minutes on one day, or you can count for as long as you like each day of the event. It’s free, fun, and easy—and it helps the birds."

The site is filled with helpful resources! There are special pages for kids (games, colouring pages, puzzles...), links to online bird guides, and more. I especially like the checklist that you can create by entering your location (postal code, zip code, or city). It lists all the birds that you could see in your area for this time of year. There are also more resources under  "For Educators".  

Let me know if you participate too!

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