
Friday, 4 November 2011

Weekly Wrap Up :: Week 12

This week was very quiet. We took a break! Lots of relaxation, reading, watching movies, playing outside, cooking... A great week off.

The week started off with Halloween. Only Celeste was interested in Halloween this year. Andre and Adrienne had planned on attending a fun night with the Air Cadets, but it was cancelled. Halloween was so different for us this year, no candy, no pumpkins, no unlike us! 

We met our homeschool friends on Wednesday and Thursday at two different parks. The rest of the days were filled with lots of playing and reading. I did a lot of that too!

This week was also the start of NaNoWriMo. I decided not to participate this year. At first, Adrienne and Andre didn't want to either but on Wednesday, they both decided to do NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program again! Celeste didn't want to be left out, so she is doing copywork. I found her like this on the couch this morning (she got up when my husband was getting ready for work):

A nice quiet week off for us. How was your week? If you would like to read more weekly wrap-up posts, visit Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. I plan on doing NaNoWRiMo every year, but November just is a crazy month for us and this year is no exception! I think it's great that your kids are going it!


  2. Oh, how sweet! Did she fall asleep doing her copywork? Cute!

    We've never did this writing program! Sounds interesting! (I don't think my kids will go for it though.)

  3. Awww that's so cute! I think it's so funny when they asleep doing stuff like that. I always have to remove a book from Heather's hand before I go to sleep. :) Our week was quiet too. Next week will be full tilt though.

  4. We've started NaNoWriMo as well. Glad to hear your break went so well.

  5. so sweet. My sister had a snow white costume like this and one year, my little brother wore it too!


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