
Monday, 5 April 2010

Outdoor Hour Challenge ~ More Signs of Spring

We have had a few more signs of spring since my last post. This time all photos are from around our house. We all paid close attention to see what was showing signs of spring...
Here is the first one:
We started working on our garden patch. Last summer, my husband built us 2 big rectangles for us to plant our vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Celeste and Andre both helped me with pulling all the weeds out and raking.

We have had a few birds visit, including this Mallard duck couple!
I guess they liked our garden.

The small maple tree in our yard is home to our homemade bird feeder (a juice container) and one Red-Winged Blackbird keeps on visiting.

We also saw lots of new buds growing in our yard and some plants growing already:

This big green one at the front was here when we moved two years ago. We will need to identify it this year. The red one was also here, as well as the one in between.

The two photos above are from the same bush. My aunt gave it to us as a house warming present and called it a Burning Bush. It has beautiful red leaves.

These cute buds are from our blueberry bush. We planted this one last year and it looks like it made it through the winter.

The lily of the valley plants were in the front of our house, in full sun when we moved in. They were planted by the previous owners. I moved them to a different spot, that doesn't have as much sun. I can't wait to see those beautiful little flowers and bring them inside. I love their fragrance.

These two photos are both from an Hydrangea that I planted last year. It looks like it survived too!

We loved looking for signs of spring right in our backyard!
Here is the post at Handbook of Nature blog that can help you get started on your search for signs of spring: Signs of Spring Bonus Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I love the ducks, the cat in the window, and the garden boxes. It is so flat where you live. :)

    So what are you planting in your boxes?


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