
Monday, 5 April 2010

Outdoor Hour Challenge ~ Seasonal Tree Study ~ Spring

Spring is here!
We are continuing on with our nature study and with the Outdoor Hour Challenges.
This past week we completed our year long seasonal tree study.
We measured our birch tree and noticed that the height is about the same, the tallest point is measuring about 6ft 4. The main trunk is 2.5 inches.
We noticed little buds popping out, but no leaves yet. There were no birds or insects in the tree when we observed it, but we have seen birds stopping on its branches before (which makes the tree bend!).

Andre measured and sketched the tree onto our notebook page.
We really enjoyed looking at our birch tree and noticing the little buds. We only planted it last year, so this was its first winter and we were really happy to see that it survived!

If you like to find more about how to participate in this spring nature study, please visit the Handbook of Nature Study blog.


  1. You had a sunny day to observe your tree! Spring is coming to your tree and isn't it interesting to really observe how the leaves burst out from the tree branch? I love to see the leaves unfolding like that.

    Thanks for sharing your tree study. We will be completing ours later in the week when it is a bit warmer outdoors and the rain stops.

  2. What a pretty little tree! I like the way you're incorporating notebooking.

  3. Ooo I love the close up of the unfurling leaves.


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