We have had a busy week here...first, some major decisions had to be made by Dad regarding a transfer with his work. He decided to accept a job offer that will move us four hours west of our current home. It is a good move for our family, but of course we will all be sad to leave behind family and
homeschool friends. We will move to an area that has a lot of my extended family, who are all excited to have us closer!
This week was our
Iditarod week! Since my last post on Tuesday, we completed more
Iditarod Math worksheets, continued tracking our mushers' progress (Go Lance Go, # 1 at Ruby!) and finished our biographies. Fairy and I also finished our sled dog
lapbook this morning. What a fun way to learn about these great dogs! We followed the instructions from an "In the Hands of a Child Project Pack" that can be found
This week was also the end of the kids' community centre classes. Princess was supposed to have her last class of Ballet on Wednesday morning. We walk to the centre as usual and discovered that it was cancelled because of the snow storm...Princess still made the best of it by playing in the snow on the way back home!

On Thursday, Fairy and Dragon had their last basketball class. Their Nana came to play with them and they all had a great time! The photos are a bit blurry, because I was behind the glass wall and they are action shots!

Finally today, after finishing our
lapbook, we headed over to our friends for some more
Iditarod fun! We did an experiment that involved lard, ice water and
ziplock bags. I had wanted to do this one with Fairy and Dragon, so it was perfect and much more fun with friends too! It can be called the Blubber Experiment and demonstrates how the layer of fat called blubber that certain
Arctic animals (polar bears, whales, seals) have actually help keep them warm. It was fun and educational! Even Princess participated. You can read about this experiment

I have pictures of our completed sled dog
lapbook that I will post
Once we were finished with our experiment, the girls decided to dress up...This is my favourite pictures from today...