This year April 21-27 is TV Turnoff Week. I was planning on doing this on my own, but then found another blogger that is putting on a challenge!
I decided to accept her challenge. I am not sure how successful we will be, the same week is our moving-in week, so it could be easy because we will be busy unpacking, but at the same time it might be challenging too...especially with Princess (almost 4) that is a bit too young to help unpack compared to our older 2 kids (10 and 9).
We don't watch a lot of TV and only have 1, but we do enjoy our DVDs. Especially through the winter months and with Princess, it's our "cuddle time" as she puts it! Dragon and Fairy also like movies, and on top of that have a lot of fun with our Wii and their personal DSs. I have always monitored (read controlled) the time they spend on any video/computer games, so it might actually not be an issue to not have it at all...then again it might!
For me, the challenge will be with the computer/internet. I do spend a bit of time on it, in the early morning and after the kids go to bed at night, working on my blog or reading others, researching homeschool stuff, and answering e-mails.
My goals for that week are simple:
Turn off the TV and DVD player... or maybe we won't plug them in yet!
No Wii or DS for the kids
and as for me, the computer and Internet will be off until the 27th...
Can we do it? I will post how it all went on the 28th! Wish us luck!
If you are interested in taking on the challenge too...visit Unplug your kids!
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