I started organizing all their textbooks/workbooks last night to prepare myself for writing their report cards. I started using a Lesson Plan Book this past September and it really has been a great tool to keep ourselves organized and to see what has been accomplished. I also used different colour pens for each of the kids, Fairy is purple and Dragon is blue. It makes very easy to see who has done what.

I have noticed that the kids and I are focused on school for about five weeks at a time, then the sixth week we are able to do the basic but the focus is not as great. When I plan out next school year, we might take on a different schedule, maybe one that allows for a long 4 day weekend every 5 weeks? I would love to hear from other homeschoolers who follow a different schedule...please leave a comment on what is working for you!
In preparing the kids' report cards, I also gathered all our field trips information, lapbooks, extra-curricular activities and book lists.
I keep a main book list all year long, divided by months, of every book read. I include the title and author of the book and who read it. This year, I am counting how many books each child read and I will add that information to their report. Maybe that will start a "healthy competition" between Dragon and Fairy... They are both really good readers, but Fairy does read a lot more on her own time than him at this point.
I have been keeping book logs since we started homeschooling. I like using any of these book list forms from Donna Young's website. I also keep track of the books I read aloud to the kids, as a record. It can come in handy when we are trying to remember a particular book. We all enjoy reading here, and it shows from these book logs!
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