I know it might seem a bit silly to post about having finished our Math curriculum, but Dragon and I are both so happy we are done with Saxon Math Grade 3!
All 140 lessons are done, all 27 assessments and all 168 fact sheets completed.
The plan for the summer is to do only a little bit of Math using Mammoth Math. The first set we will do is about Canadian Money. The focus is on counting coins, counting and making change, dollar-amounts, mental math and solving simple money problems.
I also want to add some living math and will be using this link to find book titles. Video games are always appreciated around here...so I thought this Cyberchase site would be fun for them to try.
There are more suggestions for math games at the Living Math site .
Fairy only has 2 lessons left so she will be done very soon too! YEAH!
Congratulations! I'm sure you guys feel as good as we did when we finished our math.