A few days ago, we visited one of the local library branches for a special reptile show. It was called Reptiles at Risk On the Road. The show was very interesting because all the reptiles they showed were native to Ontario and most could be found in the wild around where we live. The presentators did an excellent job at presenting all the reptiles and explaining how these snakes behave in the wild, especially if they feel threatened. They also explained how it is illegal for anyone to keep any of these native reptiles as pets.
They did bring one type of snake (Corn Snake) that wasn't native to our country to show what a good option for a pet snake could be.
I am only showing photos of the native snakes in this post. The presentation was the first part of the show, and in the second half everyone could hold the snakes! I included links to the names of the snakes if you would like to learn more about each kind.
Black Rat Snake (photo above and below)
Eastern Fox Snake with Adrienne:
Andre holding the Hog Nose snake, and Adrienne the Fox snake:
Celeste is holding the Milksnake:
We stayed until the very end of the presentation, when they were starting to pack everything up. Celeste loved holding the snakes and didn't want to leave, actually all 3 of my children have held snakes before and are confortable with them. The one man doing the presentation decided to show us two extra reptiles, both little turtles. The first photo is a Spotted Turtle, the two other photos are of a rare tiny turtle called a Stinkpot Turtle.
If you are in Ontario, be sure to check the events calendar for this free educational event on the Reptiles at Risk website!
We loved it!
Nice! Austyn is really into birds right now. Specifically hawks and eagles, so we will likely be checking out migration this year live. He's not too into reptiles at the moment but would have still loved that. Thanks for sharing.